UH Successfully Powers Megawatt-Class Fuel Cell Powertrain Using Company’s Proprietary Liquid Hydrogen Module

Listen: Paul Eremenko On The “How I Built This” Podcast

Universal Hydrogen9

One of our favorite podcasts is How I Built This with Guy Raz, and on this week’s show, Guy talks with our CEO Paul Eremenko about how Universal Hydrogen is moving the commercial aviation industry to an abundant and clean-burning fuel source — hydrogen.

In a wide-ranging 45-minute conversation, Paul shares a bit about his childhood and his education as an engineer (with a detour to law school) until eventually working his way into leadership positions at Airbus and United Technologies, posts that prepared him to cofound Universal Hydrogen.

Commercial air travel only accounts for 7% or so of carbon emissions, but the industry cannot sustain those levels and continue to grow at its current pace. Aviation needs a better path to decarbonization than it has now. Paul explains on the show how Universal Hydrogen is going about creating that future by solving the power-train issue in the near term (with hydrogen-electric retrofit kits) and developing a new logistics system for refueling planes with green hydrogen that avoids us having to replace today’s massive jet-fuel infrastructure.

Together with our partners and key stakeholders across the airline and hydrogen production industry, we’re transitioning flight to an abundant clean-burning fuel source

Listen to the episode here or on your favorite podcast platform:

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